bc earthquake
bc earthquake
Fear followed by relief during earthquake and aftershocks
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"It's still a bit frantic around here, people are going to the gas station and filling up on gas in case they have to go back up the mountain," she said in a telephone interview.
After a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Saturday night, 30 aftershocks followed. Several measured at least 4 in magnitude. The earthquake was reported to be the strongest in the region since August 1949.
"Right now the general feeling is a little bit of panic because of the aftershocks," Adams said.
Many residents of Skidegate, a Haida community of under 750 people, either went up a nearby mountain for shelter or to the local day care from the possible tsunami warning.
The warning was downgraded to an advisory, then cancelled early Sunday morning by EmergencyInfoBC.
People were evacuated from Haida Gwaii and Port Edward, near Prince Rupert last night.
"It looks like the damage and the risk are at a very low level," said BC's minister of justice Shirley Bond to CBC News. Bond is in charge of emergency management.
"I think we sometimes become complacent, but I should say that last night I don't think anyone was complacent," she added.
Port Clemens resident Betty Stewart said that her municipality "dropped the ball" on getting out appropriate information, and raised concern about information for residents without ready Internet access. Writing on the Queen Charlotte Island Observer, she said:
"During the emergency, we went to www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca and were directed to Municipal Links.. we searched and found www.portclements.ca website and upon going to that website, we clicked on "Urgent Notices" only to find information about the "Tax Sale Process" as the first entry on the page. Then we scrolled further down the page and finally located "The Emergency Preparedness Plan (56-pages)". Information on this page appears to be outdated in terms of some of the contact persons and does not simply display What was going on.. in real time and what residents needed to do.. in real time. This information is totally useless for residents who don't have Internet. There was nothing posted on the Port Clements Face Page either, nor were any notices visibly posted around town. In spite of our Municipality having just participated in "Shake-Out BC", we feel they dropped the ball in keeping residents informed accurately and in a timely manner."
Bond said there will be a review of emergency response. In some affected areas, people complained information wasn't available fast enough.
"People were moving quickly, they were supporting one another," Bond said today. "My job is to ensure that we're doing it as well as possible so we'll debrief about how we responded and what we can do better."
"Things were flying off the shelves" during earthquake
Adams was sitting in her recliner when the earthquake hit. At first, she thought it was thunder. She got up and looked out the window. She didn't see anything.
Then the house started shaking, and the lights went out. Adams realized there was an earthquake.
"Our house shook so hard things were flying off the shelves, our cat went and hid under the couch, and I was scared to death. Lucky thing Dustin kept his cool or I would have been in hysterics," Adams recalled.
Adams' common-law partner Dustin Cross and her two sons came running out of the bedroom, and opened the front door. All four stood at the door, waiting for the shaking to stop.
They watched the tide for a few minutes, waiting to see if they were going to have to run up the mountain, and when the water didn't hit they got the boys' shoes and coats on and packed clothes in a bag.
Not having a car, Adams said they were preapred to make a run for the mountains, keeping an eye on the tide. Soon after, a family member came to pick the family up. They all went up to a relative's house, where a bunch of friends and family gathered.
"We always have a place to go during an event like this, I was wishing we had a kit ready though," Adams recalled.
High up on the mountain house, Adams and her family sat around the television, waiting for the news that they could go home or if things were going to get worse.
Adams, who moved from Hyrdaburg Alaska to Stidegate in 2003, was also on the phone with her family in Hydraburg.
"I was so happy to talk to my daughter there, it gave me peace of mind knowing she was on her way to safe ground," Adams said of her 14 year old daughter.
"Our oldest son Dustin Jr was showing us how his legs were going when the quake was happening, it was cute," she recalled about her six year old son.
"Everyone is pretty aware of how much they love each other right now"
The next day, the RCMP was around town informing residents about what happened and the risks of aftershocks.
"It was nice to see them try to convince people from coming back down, and some people didn't listen and came down anyway. But they were still doing their jobs," she said.
Adams said nothing major was damaged in her home apart from dishes falling on the ground and some glass breaking.
"Everyone is pretty aware of how much they love each other right now," she said. "I'm just sitting at home with my family and doing what I do every day, I guess. Nothing's really changed in my house, but definitly more aware of needing to be prepared for stuff like this."
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Thanksgiving was created by the Pilgrims. The first Thanksgiving started in 1621. During that time, the Pilgrims came to America and settled to live here and made homes. They celebrated the first Thanksgiving because they wanted to give thanks and appreciation for making it through the long journey. They were happy and shared the feast with Wampanoag Indians. There were sports, games, food, dancing, singing, and revelry. They prepared foods such as venison and fowl.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump Announcement: Trump October Surprise Fails To Deliver
Billionaire Donald Trump made an announcement on Wednesday that will go down in the annals as just another instance of self-aggrandizement from the shameless self-promoter. Earlier this week, Trump declared that he would makes a revelation about Barack Obama that could alter the course of the presidential election. But Trump's announcement turned out to be a big dud, and not the big bomb bombshell many were anticipating.
Trump guaranteed that he would stay in the spotlight for at least another week by calling on Obama to get the universities he attended to release the president's college applications and transcripts. The Donald also asked to see Obama's passport application. If Obama does this by October 31, Trump said he would write a check in the amount of $5 million out to a charity of Obama's choice.
Earlier in the campaign season, Trump kept a gullible media in suspense, as he supposedly dithered back and forth in deciding whether he was going to run for president. After receiving mountains of media attention and promotion for his show, Celebrity Apprentice, Trump announced that he would not run for president. Shocker.
Shortly thereafter, Trump suggested that he had investigators in Hawaii — Obama's birth state — who were unearthing evidence calling into question Obama's natural-born citizen status. Birthers have long-claimed that Obama was not born in the United States, and is therefore not constitutionally qualified to be president. Those claims turned out to be unfounded, although Trump's and other birthers' calls for Obama to release his long-form birth certificate prompted the president to eventually release the certificate, which indicated he had indeed been born in Hawaii.
Regarding today's announcement, speculation has swirled wildly. As PolicyMic's Ashley Howe originally reported,
Douglas Kass, an investor who appears on CNBC’s talk show Squawkbox, tweeted on Tuesday that "Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife." I'm sure no one saw this coming!
Trump tweeted earlier this morning that this, and all other speculation concerning his announcement were wrong. Too bad for him. That speculation was far more scintillating than what Trump actually put forth.
لازم نمنع هذا الاحتفال الشيطاني في مصر
- 21 ديسمبر، 2012
رحلة لمجموعة من اعضاء جماعة المتنورين وطائفة الكابالا تقوم تحت اشراف شركة سياحية تسمى Cobra والرحلة ستتخذ طابع سياحى فى البداية الى 22 ديسمبر 2012 الى ان تكتمل الرحلة بحفل فى الهرم داخل غرفة الملك وأن اليهود الكاباليين والمتنورين يعتقدون أن هذا اليوم لن يتكرر فى العالم لأنه يحمل تاريخ «21/12/2012»، ومنهم من يعتقد أن العالم سينتهى فى هذا اليوم، الذى يعد يوم فاصلا فى حياة المتنورين لاستقبال ملكهم المنتظر ، وأن الحاضرين فى الحفل سيلتفون حول الهرم فى شكل نجمة داود، وسيضعون ماسة على شكل النجمة أيضا على قمة الهرم .
الموقع الرسمي للمؤتمرات هنا هو:
http://thegreatconvergence2012.com /
والدعوة على هيئة مناسبة بالفيسبوك من هنا
والمؤتمر الأول ستقام في تورينو، إيطاليا، في الفترة من 26-28 أكتوبر.
وسوف يكون المؤتمر الثاني في أوستن، تكساس، من 9 نوفمبر إلى 11 نوفمبر
وسوف يكون المؤتمر الثالث في نيويورك في الفترة من 16-18 نوفمبر، الرابط هنا:
لمؤتمر الرابع ستقام في لاجونا بيتش من 23 نوفمبر إلى 25،
المؤتمر الخامس أن تحدث في سانت مارتن من 30 نوفمبر - 2 ديسمبر. سانت مارتن
وأخيرا، سيكون لدينا رحلة من مصر 15-22 ديسمبر (البرنامج الرئيسي) أو من 8-22 ديسمبر.
نريد أن نمنع هذه الكارثة أرجو المساعدة
انضم للمناسبة ثم ادعو اصدقائك
انشرها على اقصى نطاق واسع
وساستمر في تحميل معلومات عن خطر الماسونية وما تحيكه للعالم أجمع للتحكم فيه واستعباده
ارجو من جميع الاصدقاء الانضمام - شير - دعوة الاصدقاء
الصفحة الرسمية للحملة كما فعلنا نفس الشيئ فى 11-11-2011
تحذير نحن لا ندعى الذهاب او التظاهر بالقرب من الهرم فى هذا اليوم نحن فقط نفضحهم وننشر خططهم لتقوم الجهات المسئولة بايقاف هذا الحفل
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